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Tuesdays and Thursdays -- February 18 - October 14, 2025 (there will be some breaks; those details will be shared during the first class)

2:30pm-4:30pm Hawaii | 3:30pm-5:30pm Alaska | 4:30pm-6:30pm Pacific | 5:30pm-7:30pm Mountain | 6:30pm-8:30pm Central | 7:30pm-9:30pm Eastern | 8:30pm-10:30pm Atlantic (Time zones may vary with Daylight Saving Time. We do our best to include other time zones as we understand them to be. Please double-check your time zone against the Central time noted. Times noted at the top of this page are in Central time.)

Cost per participant = $3,500 (for ELCA Coaches only – regular price is $6,595 – valued at $11,000+)

Payment plan available. (See registration link.)

Lead Trainer: Jason O'Neill, PCC
Additional Trainers: Dr. Don Eisenhauer, MCC, and Jill Beverlin, PCC

Completion of the ELCA Segment 1 Basic Skills Coach training is required before taking this PCC Coaching at End of Life (CEOL) training.

This training prepares students to be certified as CEOL Grief and End of Life Coaches AND to be credentialed as ICF PCC Life Coaches.

Approximately 9-12 months in length = 126 hours of training PLUS there will be mentor coaching and follow-up work required as a part of this training

There are at least FIVE distinct advantages to this training via the ELCA and Coaching at End of Life:
1) You receive a tremendous discount in the registration price of similar training elsewhere.
2) You will not need to submit a recording to the ICF when you submit your application for your PCC.
3) This makes the application process with the ICF so much quicker.
4) The application fee to the ICF is lower since Dr. Eisenhauer does the work of reviewing rather than them.
5) This training also prepares you to be certified as a Grief and End of Life Coach.
