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Have we piqued your curiosity with that topic for next week? Are you wondering what in the world dancing bananas have to do with awareness, or courageous leadership, or coaching, or anything related to your life or ministry? Or maybe you think we're just being ridiculous to try to capture your attention with a random phrase?

One of the powerful tools of a coaching posture is becoming and remaining curious, which also has a side benefit of keeping us out of judgment.

Did you know that the average person in the United States is exposed to roughly 20 GB of information each day?! In the midst of this onslaught, working with a coach who can help evoke awareness is akin to a superpower. With ELCA Coach and Rev. David Hively, we discussed that along with sneaky teenagers, dancing bananas, a woman named Rhoda, and God's way of opening doors. Curious how any of this is connected or relevant?

We will gather together online, begin with an introduction and time of centering, then we will briefly learn (or be reminded of) the basics of one of a number of coaching skills. This time will be followed by small groups in breakout rooms to practice this skill with each other on real and relevant topics that you bring with you that day so that you may leave our time together feeling empowered, valued, and prepared for your next most faithful step.

We invite you to bring a spirit of curiosity to these gatherings and to all aspects of your life. What are you noticing? Where is Spirit moving? How are you being invited to participate?