What is Faithful Language for God?
Share one new perspective you gained or one “aha!” moment.

Describe how inclusive (of all genders) and expansive (of all creation) language for God
(might) matter/s for the community or people you serve.

Name one faithful step you will take this week to use inclusive (of all genders) language
and images for God.

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We heard from author Mary J. Streufert, Ph.D., and journeyed together through an overview of how multigendered language for God is evangelically, scripturally, and theologically faithful from a Lutheran perspective.

Across the ELCA, many communities use masculine and neutral language for the three persons of the Trinity. While neutral language for God is important, understanding and worshipping God through, with, and beyond all genders is not only crucial, but faithful. Our opening devotion will use song and art and is a key component for the rest of the time together. Before small group discussion, we will review some definitions, and Dr. Streufert will share key insights from the history of sex and Lutheran theology. Small group discussion will focus on the connections to your ministry contexts.

Mary J. Streufert, Ph.D., serves in two director positions: Gender Justice and Women’s Empowerment (under the Office of the Presiding Bishop) and Quality of Call for Women in Ministry InitiativeWithin the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), she works to support deep change to address patriarchy and sexism from an intersectional perspective through theological formation, education, production, and networking. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, see Dr. Streufert's book, Language for God: A Lutheran Perspective (Fortress Press, 2022).