Courageous Leadership
These are the recordings from our weekly online gatherings supporting faith leaders across the church with a variety of topics related to being courageous leaders.
If you are interested in joining us live, you can find those details on our Events & Trainings page.

To answer some commonly asked questions about these gatherings:

"How can I prepare?" Courageous leaders pay attention and listen actively. We invite you to bring a spirit of curiosity and openness to these gatherings and to all aspects of your life. What are you noticing? What might you be missing? Where is Spirit moving? How are you being invited to participate in the work God is already doing, especially outside the walls of the building where the church gathers?
"What if I'm not a group person?" Courageous leaders take calculated risks. We invite you to take a small step outside your comfort zone and allow yourself to be seen and witnessed. We can almost guarantee that you will be pleasantly surprised by the loving, caring, and nurturing nature of community in this time together.