How is “The Gospel” not another form of social reform on the one hand and not a set of propositions or beliefs about God on the other hand?
What value do you see for yourself in writing out your “What is the Gospel” in 100 words or less?
What value do you see for the people with whom you are in ministry (your context) for you to name and claim your Gospel explanation/definition in 100 words or less?
What resources (people, books or other media, time, place, what not) do you need in order to write out your 100 words or less?
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You are invited to learn more about the project and the book. Join us as we hear from The Rev. Dr. Johan Bergh, Associate Certified Coach (ACC), who retired in 2021 from the ELCA active rostered ministry after 39 years of service!
About the Project: Just What is The Gospel Anyway? is a project that invites everyone to write down and share in 100 words or less their definition/explanation of The Gospel. Go to JustWhatIsTheGospelAnyway.org for info and to share your 100 words or less.
About the Book: People inside the church today are searching earnestly for ways to shore up the enterprise, and people outside the church are as disinterested in church as they ever have been. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is, well, amazing, but it needs to be clarified and defined and then clearly communicated so that those in the Church get "gospel" right and those outside of the Church actually get something that is liberating instead of boring, repressive, and destructive. Just what is "the Gospel" anyway? We need to start with what actually happened to and with Jesus, and end there too. By reviewing what I call the "justice theology" from 1st century roots to the "reconciliation theology" from 16th century roots, I offer up a way of understanding and living out the Christian faith today and a way to communicate just what the Gospel is in 100 words or less so that communication that is life-giving can actually get traction in our swirling world of a million information bits we need to navigate daily. -- author Johan Bergh
Dr. Bergh is a rewired (another way to say retired) ordained Lutheran pastor and active leadership coach (BeingAndDoingMatters.com, that includes his blog "Field Notes From a Religion-Less Christian") who enjoys bicycling, pickleball, golf, fitness training, reading, cello, writing, traveling, staying home, family (including two grandchildren!) and trying to save the world by the end of business each day (smile). He has been married to his wife Janet for 43 years. His latest book related to this project is Just What is 'The Gospel Anyway? Your Guide to Church Shopping. His previous books include The Five Marks of Missional Leaders Toolbox 1.0: Clear-Eyed and Strong Hearted. Together. Following. Jesus. For the Sake of the World. and Religion-less Christianity and Renewing the Church: On Being A Follower of Jesus in God, for God, without God.